英语翻译 (高中)

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0o笑笑宝贝o0 2023-07-29 09:49
  • 2023-07-29 10:07

    当我经过一个车站时,我看见地上有一个钱包When I pass through a station, I see ground to have a wallet我拾起来,问周围的人是否丢了钱包,但所有人都说没有I ascend, asked periphery whether the human has thrown the wallet, but all people said do not have我打开钱包,看见里边有很多钱和一张名片I turn on the wallet, inside seeing have many Qian He a name card 我想失主一定非常着急,我立即拿起手机给那人打电话I thought that the owner of lost articles certainly worries, I take up the handset to telephone immediately to that person 10分钟后失主来了,他一再向我表示谢意 10 minutes later owners of lost articles have come, he expresses the gratitude repeatedly to me 我对他说这是我应该做的,然后我朝学校跑去I to him said that this is I should do, then I face the school to run后来老师知道了这件事,在班上表扬了我Afterward teacher had known this matter, praised me in the class 一年前我校成立里英语角In one year ago my school was established English angle 每周日上午学生们准时来到英语角Every week the date the students arrive at English angle punctually in the morning 他们互相练习讲英语,学唱英文歌They practice to speak English mutually, studies sings English song 一些外国朋友也经常参加,他们帮助我们中国学生提高听说能力Some foreign friend also frequently participates, they help our Chinese students to enhance hear ability通过练习,许多同学在英语上取得了很大的进步Through the practice, many schoolmates have made the very big progress in English 上周日我和朋友去了海边Last Sunday I and the friend have gone to the seashore 我们乘公共汽车去哪We go while the bus我们沿着海边散步,在海中游泳,在沙滩上做游戏We take a walk along the seashore, swims in the sea, makes the game in the sand beach 中午我们在海边的一家饭店吃午饭 Noon we have the lunch in a seashore hotel 午饭后我们参观了海洋博物馆After the lunch, we visited the sea museum 下午4点我们返回4:00 pm we return 尽管到家后我非常累,可很高兴,因为那天我玩得非常高兴Although after proficient, I am tired, may be very happy, because that day I play happily 今年暑假我和我的家人去了泰山This year summer vacation I and my family member has gone to Taishan 我决定爬到山顶看日出I decided that crawls watches the sunrise to the summit 我们花了3个多小时才到山顶We spent more than 3 hours only then to arrive at the summit


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