
默认分类 未结 1 1925
________ミ 2023-03-17 08:26
  • 2023-03-17 08:40

    帮我找找语法点,(包括语法和重点单词)这是大学英语课本的!For me,Thanksgiving recalls all the things in life that I respond to most strongly and for which I am truly thankful.There is the simple beauty of the earth and the harvest time.There is the satisfaction that comes from the working of the crops.And there is the tradition of the day itself:the return to my family homes in the green hills of Maryland and Virginia,the delicious food,and the sharing of holiday rituals.

    For me,Thanksgiving (感恩节)recalls all the things in life that I respond to most strongly and for which(介词for 提前 引导的定语从句 本应该是thankful for) I am truly thankful.There is the simple beauty of the earth and the harvest(收获季节) time.There is the satisfaction that comes from the working of the crops.And there is the tradition of the day itself(多用there is 一种修辞手法:平行结构,也就是中文里的排比):the return to my family homes in the green hills(青山) of Maryland and Virginia(美国地名),the delicious food,and the sharing of holiday rituals(典礼).

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