今天我病假了,有事可以打我手机 英语怎么说?

默认分类 未结 1 1542
≡VIP≡ 2023-03-22 17:17
  • 2023-03-22 18:15

    I took sick leave today, please call me if any (urgent case.)官方的 同事的邮件~

    1.很抱歉我今天因为生病了不能去上班,有什么事情麻烦打我手机,明天我可以正常上班 I am sorry I could not go to work because of my sickness.Please

    I am taking sick leave today. Call my cell to get me.

    i am sick today,Call me if you need me

    I am taking a sick leave today. If you have any question,please feel free to call my mobile phone.

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