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_B吇 2023-03-17 08:43
  • 2023-03-17 09:02

    The word break is fairly commonly used in English, so you have surely seen it in books, heard it in movies, or learned it in school. By itself, it usually means to make a crack in something as is used as a verb.break这个词在英语中相当普遍,所以你肯定在书中见过,在电影中听到过,或者在学校里学过。就其本身而言,它通常意味着在用作动词的某物上做一个破绽。

    There are many phrases and sentences where it means just that. However, there are also many phrases in which break means something entirely different or is used as a noun! Here are some of those more common phrases.有很多短语和句子都有这个意思。然而,也有许多短语中,break的意思完全不同,或者用作名词!下面是一些比较常见的短语。

    Break synonymsbreak的近义词

    Break has many synonyms, and each of its possible meanings has more synonyms. Here is a selection:Break有很多同义词,每个可能的意思都有更多的同义词。这里有一个选择:

    shatter, smash, fracture, crack, pierce, divide, unravel, decipher, disturb, interrupt, mitigate, drop, surpass, beat, give way, destroy, crush, falter, erupt, time off, holiday, gap, opening, etc.粉碎、粉碎、破裂、破裂、刺穿、***、解开、破译、扰乱、中断、减轻、下降、超越、殴打、让路、摧毁、粉碎、动摇、爆发、休息、假期、间隙、开口等。

    Break vs FractureBreak和Fracture的区别

    Break can be used to describe any kind of shattering. Anything can break. However, a fracture is something that happens only to bones. Bones do break, but the professional medical term is fracture.Break可以用来形容任何类型的粉碎。任何东西都可能破裂。然而,骨折只发生在骨头上。骨头确实会骨折,但专业医学术语是骨折。

    Break Past Tensebreak的过去式

    The past tense of break is broke, or broken.break的过去式和过去分词是broke和broken

    Break as a Verbbreak作为一个动词

    1. Break away逃脱

    To break away means to achieve freedom from captivity. It is used to describe liberation, either physical or mental. Break away is associated with escaping someone’s hold, or escape from the control of something or someone else.脱离意味着从囚禁中获得自由。它被用来描述解放,无论是身体上的还是精神上的。脱离是指逃离某人的控制,或逃离某事物或其他人的控制。

    2. Break in / into meaning闯入

    Break in means to forcefully enter a place. A break in means a robbery. When you’re breaking into a place you are forcing entry. It is most commonly connected to criminal actions.强行闯入意味着强行进入一个地方。闯入意味着抢劫。当你闯入一个地方时,你是在强行进入。它通常与犯罪行为有关。

    3. Break Out突破

    Break out has many different meanings. In general it means to leave a place forcefully. To break out of prison is a common example. However, to break out on your skin means to have a rash. To break out of your shell can mean to be liberated. Whenever you’re trying to describe forcefully leaving a place a literal or figurative way, you use break out.break out有很多不同的含义。一般来说,它是指强行离开一个地方。越狱是一个常见的例子。然而,在你的皮肤上爆发意味着有皮疹。脱壳就意味着解放。当你试图用文字或比喻的方式来有力地描述离开一个地方的时候,你就用break out。

    4. Break Wind meaning

    To break wind means to release gas. In colloquial speech it means to fart.放风就是释放气体。在口语中,它的意思是放屁。

    5. Break a Sweat meaning

    When you’re doing physical activities you can start to sweat. When that happens you break a sweat.当你做体力活动时,你会开始出汗。当这种情况发生时,你会大汗淋漓。

    6. Break Off meaning

    When something breaks off it is divided from a larger whole. To divide means to snap off, come off, or in general to be separated or divided.当某物断裂时,它就从一个更大的整体中分离出来。分开是指折断、脱落,或大体上被分开或分开。

    7. Break a habit

    To break a habit means to stop doing something that you often do in your routine. For example, if you normally reach for your phone right when you wake up, that is a habit. To break the habit means to stop reaching for your phone right when you wake up, and instead meditating or washing up first.改掉一个习惯意味着停止做一些你在日常生活中经常做的事情。例如,如果你通常在醒来的时候伸手去拿手机,那是一种习惯。打破这个习惯意味着当你醒来的时候不要再伸手去拿你的手机,而是先冥想或洗个澡。


    Breaking a habit is really difficult, but my business coach helped me get right into content creating when I wake up instead of answering emails./ To establish a good habit is hard, but to break a bad habit may be even harder./ If you want to break your habit of chewing on your fingernails when you are nervous, try to dip them in lemon juice in the morning or paint them with various colors of nail polish.改掉一个习惯真的很难,但是我的商业教练在我醒来的时候帮助我开始创造内容,而不是回复邮件。/养成一个好习惯很难,但是改掉一个坏习惯可能更难。/如果你想改掉紧张时嚼指甲的习惯,早上试着把它们浸在柠檬汁里,或者涂上各种颜 {MOD}的指甲油。

    8. Break a bone, break your arm

    If you accidentally injure yourself by cracking or fracturing a bone, you break your bone. To break your arm, leg, pelvis, wrist, or other body part means to break the bone in that body part. For children, this is a very common thing to have happen. If you have never broken a bone, some people will be very surprised to hear it.如果你不小心弄断了骨头而伤到了自己,那你就是弄断了骨头。折断手臂、腿、骨盆、手腕或其他身体部位意味着折断该身体部位的骨头。对孩子们来说,这是很常见的事情。如果你从来没有断过一根骨头,有些人会很惊讶听到它。


    My son fell out of a tree yesterday morning, so we took him to the hospital because we thought he might have broken his wrist. The doctor that you see if you break your bones is an orthopedic surgeon. If you take care of yourself, use a cast, and use your crutches, you can recover quickly even if you break your leg.我儿子昨天早上从树上摔下来,所以我们把他送到医院,因为我们认为他可能摔断了手腕。如果你骨折了,你要去看的医生是个骨科医生。如果你照顾好自己,使用石膏,使用拐杖,即使你摔断了腿,你也能很快康复。

    9. Break a leg!

    This is an idiom that you say to performers such as actors, dancers, or singers. It means good luck. If you think this idiom sounds weird, it is! It seems like you are wishing that something bad will happen to the actress. However, this idiom comes from the fact that historically, actors are superstitious. They believe that something bad will happen if you tell them good luck directly, but wishing back luck to someone will lead to something good happening.这是你对演员、舞者或歌手等表演者说的成语。这意味着好运。如果你觉得这个成语听起来很奇怪,那就是!你好像希望女演员会出事。然而,这个成语来源于这样一个事实:在历史上,演员是迷信的。他们相信,如果你直接告诉他们好运,就会有不好的事情发生,但是向某人许愿会导致一些好的事情发生。


    Break a leg, Arnold! Your performance is going to be great tonight!/I told my wife to break a leg on her first day of teaching her class, but she just rolled her eyes./If you don’t tell your actor friends to break a leg, especially on the night of their first performances, they may not perform well!祝你成功,阿诺德!你今晚的表演会很棒的!/我告诉我妻子在她第一天上课的时候摔表现出 {MOD},但她只是转动了眼睛。/如果你不祝福你的朋友在表演中获得成功,尤其是在他们第一次表演的那晚,他们可能表现得不好!

    10. Break a promise

    Here, the word break is not used in a literal sense. Instead, the phrase means to not follow through on a promise that you have made. If you promise someone that everything will be okay, but it turns out not to be, you have broken your promise.在这里,break这个词不是字面意义上的。相反,这个短语的意思是不遵守你所做的承诺。如果你向某人保证一切都会好起来,但事实证明不是这样,你就违背了你的诺言。


    Doctors are told to never say, Everything will be okay, to their patients because they cannot ensure that everything is okay, and they don’t want to break their promises./I got so used to my friends breaking their promises to hang out with me that I was surprised when they invited me out to dinner last night./Breaking a promise to a client will probably make them quit doing business with you.医生被告知不要对病人说一切都会好的,因为他们不能保证一切都好,而且他们不想违背诺言。/我已经习惯了朋友们违背诺言和我一起出去玩,以至于当他们昨晚邀请我出去吃饭时,我很惊讶。/违背了对客户的诺言可能会让他们放弃和你做生意。

    11. Break a record

    In this phrase, break is again used in a figurative sense. To break a record means to perform better than the previous record, especially in fields like sports, music, and other things where actions can be measured objectively.在这个短语中,break再次被用在比喻意义上。打破记录意味着比以前的记录表现得更好,特别是在运动、音乐和其他可以客观衡量动作的领域。


    I did not try to break the record for the most hiccups in an hour, but it just happened!/She ran so fast that she broke her sister’s record by 30 seconds!/Breaking a world record at the Olympics is something that so many athletes strive to do.我并没有试图打破一小时内打嗝次数最多的记录,但它只是发生了!/她跑得太快了,竟以30秒的速度打破了她姐姐的记录!/在奥运会上打破世界纪录是许多运动员努力要做的事。

    12. Break the ice

    When people are meeting each other for the first time, someone has to break the ice, or help spark interaction and discussions in a group. Leaders of a group often prepare activities or questions, known as icebreakers, to loosen up any tension and help people get to know each other. Sometimes offices can plan retreats full of icebreakers to create more friendships between workers and improve their comfort with each other.当人们第一次见面时,必须有人打破僵局,或者帮助在一个小组中引发互动和讨论。一个团体的领导者经常准备一些活动或问题,被称为破冰者,以缓和紧张气氛,帮助人们相互了解。有时,办公室可以计划充满破冰船的静修,以在员工之间建立更多的友谊,提高彼此之间的舒适度。


    I wasn’t sure how the two groups of athletes would work together so I prepared a bunch of silly questions to break the ice, but it turns out everyone started laughing and getting to know each other on their own! /Sometimes it only takes one person to say something funny to break the ice in a tense group. /If it were so easy to break the ice, anyone could do it.我不知道这两组运动员会如何合作,所以我准备了一堆愚蠢的问题来打破僵局,但结果大家都开始大笑,开始互相了解了!/有时一个人说些好笑的话就能在紧张的人群中打破僵局。/如果破冰这么容易,任何人都能做到。

    13. Break someone’s heart

    While this is usually used in the context of a romantic relationship, you can break anyone’s heart, or cause someone great grief and sadness. If you make someone just a little bit sad, you can use break your heart jokingly. However, if you use the phrase to describe someth

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