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⊙司徒包包⊙ 2023-03-17 11:07
  • 2023-03-17 11:48

    英语翻译加急优秀的阻燃性能.——纤维天然具备的阻燃性能使材料可以通过各国苛刻的阻燃要求,即使与其它天然纤维混纺仍然具有不变的阻燃性能. 自然、柔软的手感.——腈氯纶纤维具有类似其它天然纤维一般的柔软、

    Excellent flame retardant properties. - With natural fibers so that the flame-retardant properties of materials can be flame retardant through the harsh requirements, even if blended with other natural fibers still have the same fire-retardant properties.

    Natural, soft feel. - Nitrile氯纶fibers similar to other natural fibers in general soft,

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