Comic Epic in Prose的名词解释(英文的)

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0李家沱0 2023-03-18 13:34
  • 2023-03-18 14:27


    例如,Most of the play is written in verse,but some of it is in prose,这剧本大部分是用韵文写的,不过有一些是用散文,还有下面这句 ,It was more of poetry than prose,那更像是诗歌而不是散文,第三句例句是,It didn't produce prose of great beauty,它没有产生伟大的美丽的散文,prose还有短语词组,例如,prose poem散文诗,Prose Art散文艺术,descriptive prose描写性散文,prose这个单词你学会了吗?

    comic epic in prose 喜剧性散文体史诗是由被誉为“英国小说之父”的亨利·菲尔丁(Henry Fielding, 1707-1745)所开创的一种文体,菲尔丁所创作的一系列反映社会生活的长篇小说不仅体现了较为熟练的谋篇布局的能力,而且还反映出他对传统史诗艺术的巧妙运用。菲尔丁既模仿古典史诗的叙事手法,又刻意改变史诗通常具有的严肃性和悲剧***彩,在其小说中不时掺入富于喜剧***彩的成分,从而使其小说成为所谓的“喜剧性散文体史诗”(comic epic in prose)。

    comic epic in prose(散文体喜剧史诗).Similaer to the epic.its large,comprehensive,and contains many incidents and characters. Unlike the serious epic,which treats great persons,the comic epic treats persons pf inferior rank and manner(the generic subject matter of comedy)instead of kings and nobels and it portrays the ridiculous


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