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____Gabs°↘ 2023-03-19 17:03
  • 2023-03-19 17:50

    我在万圣节化妆舞会后走路回家.I was walking back home after a Halloween party. 当我经过一个墓园时, 一时兴起想要穿过此墓园.while noticing a cemetery on my side, i suddenly wanted to pass through it. 当我走到一半时便被一声声叩-叩-叩的声音给吓住了.Just about half way through, I stopped and was shocked by some strange voices, Ko-Ko-Ko这声音是从某个阴暗处传出,我被吓得浑身发抖,They were from a certain hidden place, I can feel that I was shaking.接着我发现有位枯瘦如柴,头发凌乱的老年人手执凿子正在凿一块墓碑.Then I found a skinny old man with messy hair, is axing a gravestone.我说:"我的天啊.先生,我刚才还以为你是鬼耶, 这么晚了,你在这做什么啊?"I said, 'oh my God, sir, I though you were a ghost. What're you doing here at this late.'老人骂道:'真讨厌,他们把我的名字拼错了.!!!!"'Damn, they spelled wrong on my name!' he complained.

    海底两万里!! 你找找啊

    Harry Potter是我的最佳推荐

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