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0红0 2023-03-17 14:18
  • 2023-03-17 15:06

    您的呵护中成长,我们由一棵柔弱的小苗长成一棵大树。如今,我们长大 了,而您却添了许多白发,您却毫无所求,毫无怨言,从您慈祥的目光里,我读懂了,这就是世上最伟大的亲情——母爱。今天是母亲节,请让我在这里为您献上节日的祝福。 回答者: 有且只有ni - 初入*** 二级 3-8 18:36亲爱的妈妈: 您好。这样称呼你还真别扭。从小到大,我除了叫你妈妈之外,老是你呀你的“使唤”你,我们俩的关系也亦母亦友,我也一直对你没大没小的。但在这特殊的日子,我真诚地想对你说:“妈妈,祝您三八妇女节快乐!” 还记得小时候,我第一次知道这个节日的时候,我天真地问你想要什么礼物。你笑着打哈哈说要什么礼物啊,小祖宗只要你乖一点儿就行了。那时的我还不太能理解,现在想起来真是感触颇多。唉,我直到现在也没能达成你这个心愿,老是让你操心。不过从现在开始,我会努力地筹备这个“礼物”,今年不行就明年,明年不行就后年。总有一天你会受到这份“礼物”的。 这只是我一个对不起你的地方,我除了让你操心还时不时地“利用”你。想当初我为了自己玩电脑的私欲,大力向持反对意见的你鼓吹买电脑的好处,在社区网吧里“殷勤”地教你玩游戏。可当你真的着了迷,买了电脑以后,我就只顾着自己疯玩,对你爱搭不理的,屡次拒绝你玩电脑的请求,也不再手把手教你简单的操作。但是看到你像个孩子求我让你玩一会儿的时候,我终于良心发现。虽然今后多了一个人和我抢电脑,但是我觉得这是件好事,因为你的生活从此变得更丰富多彩了。 你知道吗?有一篇叫《老海棠树》的文章使我每次看都觉得很愧疚。里面作者对他奶奶的伤害使我看到了自己的影子。我又何尝不曾那样伤害你呢?读小学的时候我有很多字不会写,经常在做作业的时候问你哪个字怎么写。有时你是在忙着做家务没空搭理我,有时你是真的不知道,于是我就埋怨你怎么这个都不懂。其实我哪有资格说你呢?即使是在现在,我也经常在类似的情况下伤害你,甚至在你好意的催促下对你大呼小叫的,说你烦说你唠叨。但是我今后会多加注意,因为我不想成为第二个作者。 好了,不说这么多了,你看了也会觉得烦的。我只想再说一句,我并不希望你只在这一天快乐,我希望你天天快乐!这是我作为你儿子/女儿的最大的心愿。 此致 敬礼 您的儿子/女儿:某某某 2009年X月X日

    Dear Mother : I thank my mother for me, raising me, teach me, let me in the knowledge of travel into schools. Thank goodness my mother. If this world without you, then I can not see this beautiful and colorful world. I know how you feel is the time for me, I know you are very good, do not want such a life on this small crashes, but they must be made enormous efforts it. I thank my mother brought up. For many years, every morning you up, I began to cook, no matter fallen autumn, regardless of where the summer, you are always the first up, I do not understand why you do I care, nurturing me. Until one day I finally realized that the original love is selfless, love is not only aware of dedication return. I thank my mother taught. Mom, you taught me to do a countless friendly, positive people. You Before I began to teach a course I had in television and radio time, you always have to accompany a word, I think you have a very old saying Institute, but now I feel that more time is the most precious is the most treasure. Let me thank my mother in the knowledge of travel into schools. Since schools do not do very good Shandong promised, so you will be sent to the oldest paternal aunt my schooling here, I was not suffer. Wherever holiday, you will be tireless in their home here. While each of the far, but you were still a daily telephone enquiries I learn, like you on my side. Women's Day approaching 38, I said these words into a coherent force sentence is : thank Mama! 可以吗?

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