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______墨绿 2023-03-19 17:26
  • 2023-03-19 18:04

    ·A 'Well done!' text from the boss is more rewarding than a $30 cash bonus·来自老板的一句干得不错短信比现金奖励更有激励价值。 ·Pizza is a great motivator at start of week, Duke University research found·披萨饼是一周的强大精神动力来源——美国杜克大学的研究发现。 ·Experiment was carried out at a semiconductor factory in Israel·本次实验在以***列的一家半导体工厂里进行。 Which of these would you find most satisfying as a reward for doing a great day's work at the office: a bit of extra cash, a compliment from the boss or free pizza?下面这几个因素,你认为哪个会让辛苦工作一天后的你感到更有激励作用呢?一小笔现金奖励,老板的一句赞美还是免费的披萨饼? It may come as a surprise, but people actually prefer pizza and praise over money.结果会是挺出乎意料的,人们居然喜欢披萨饼甚于金钱。 A slice of gooey cheese and tomato is a great incentive at the start of the working week but, ultimately, a 'Well done' from mission control comes out top.一小块***的芝士和西红柿对于开始一周忙碌的工作确实能产生强大的激励作用,不过最让人感到动力百倍的,却是来自管理层的一句干得不错!的赞美。 The findings come from an experiment in workplace motivation carried out by psychology professor Dan Ariely of Duke University.这些发现来自杜克大学心理学教授,Dan Ariely所进行的一项关于职场动机的实验研究。 At the start of the week, he sent messages to three out of four workers at a semiconductor factory in Israel that offered them a variety of rewards for assembling a number of chips each day.在一周的开始,他给以***列的半导体工厂里的75%员工发送信息,以不同方式褒奖他们每天所装配的芯片的数量。 One group was promised a bonus of around $30; another, a 'Well done!' text message from the boss at the end of the week; a third group was offered a voucher for pizza; and the fourth set received no message or offer at all.其中一组每人将有大约30美元的奖励;另一组,则是老板在工作周结束时发送的干得好的短信息;还有一组则是派发披萨饼折价券;最后一组控制组没有收到任何奖励。 Early in the week, free pizza came top, with a 6.7 per cent increase in productivity over the control group, while a compliment from the boss saw an increase of 6.6 per cent, New York Magazine reported.在一周的开始,免费披萨饼的效果最明显,比控制组的创造力增长了6.7个百分点,而收到老板的赞赏的一组则增长6.6个百分点。——《***》报道。 Perhaps surprisingly, a cash incentive came third with 4.9 per cent.也许让人出乎意料的是,奖励现金的实验组只排在第三,增长4.9个百分点。 However, by day two, the money-motivated group performed 13.2 per cent worse than those in the control group.不过,到了第二天,以现金为动力源的组比控制组的创造力还降低了13.2个百分点。 Over the course of the week, the cash bonus cost the company more and resulted in a 6.5 per cent drop in productivity.经过了一周时间,以现金为激励的组不仅造成更多的公司支出,员工的创造力也降低了6.5个百分点。 At the end of the study, the 'Well Done!' text was the ultimate winner. Free pizza came in second and the control group was third. Money finished behind no extra motivation.在本次实验结束时,最终的赢家则是老板的干得好!的短信。而免费的披萨饼居于第二,控制组在第三。现金组排最后而且没有任何提升工作动力的迹象。 In other words, it would have been better for the employer to offer them no incentive whatsoever.换而言之,雇主也许不给任何激励会更好。 Ariely even wanted the pizza to be delivered to the workers' homes instead of a voucher, saying: 'This way… we not only would give them a gift, but we would also make them heroes in the eyes of their families.' Ariely甚至还希望披萨饼能够送到员工的家里而不只是给予他们一张代换券:这样的话,我们不仅给他们一份礼物,还让他们在家人的眼中的形象是高大的。 What is clear from the study is that people love praise and appreciation.那么这项研究最明显的迹象就是,人们都喜欢被称赞和欣赏。 'Extrinsic motivators can stop having much meaning - your raise in pay feels like your just due, your bonus gets spent, your new title doesn’t sound so important once you have it. 外在的激励因素的意义不再那么重要了,因为给你增加的薪水就像是你应有的,你的奖金花掉了,但是你的新头衔却没有那么重要。 'But the sense that other people appreciate what you do sticks with you,' Wharton professor Adam Grant told The Wall Street Journal last year.不过别人对你的赞美却是让你久久无法忘怀的。沃顿商学院的教授Adam Grant在去年接受《华尔街杂志》的采访时表示。 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。

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